Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big time goals

Dan and I have been looking at some of the big stuff coming up in our lives and we have put in place a time line. We have always set some big goals for ourselves financially, but we have a few in place for the next few years.

1. Fund entire adoption before Dec 2011. God has been so good. We are more than 2/3 of the way there and that has been all GOD. We have been so blessed by the generosity of our family and friends. We have been putting away what we can, but our own is not nearly enough and God has blown us away time and again. We have never been short a payment and we know God has a plan for provision for the remaining portion.

2. Fund a three month emergency fund. We are slowly prodding along at this. We are close to a bare bones three month fund. Once we have that we will finish out a few other savings goals. We hope to at some point have 6 months to one year's worth of living expenses in the bank. For now, we have a few more goals to meet first.

3. Save a down payment for a house. We hope to have the first two goals finished up no later than December of this year. Then we will start to save for a new home. I have mentioned many times that we have some what grown out of our current home. With adding a new little one (hopefully sooner than later) we would love to be in a new home at some point. With the market like it is we know we may take a hit so we'd like to spend some time saving up a decent down payment for our next place. :)

Those are some of our big goals we have set for the next two years. We have a few small goals for the next few months as well. These are obviously not as huge, but with doing so much big savings we have to plan for some of these little things as well.

1. Isaac getting a bike. This is hopefully going to happen in the next two months.
2. Small Shed (or storage of some kind) to help with Garage clutter. Another goal I would love to see by early summer.  :)
3. Out side up keep. This may not seem like much and really it is more of a time investment, but all the little outside stuff adds up.
4. Home school curriculum. Yep, this is happening now. We are working to use as little money as possible, but wowsers, school costs money. :)

So, there you have it. These are a few of my family's financial goals. We can't do any of these with just us. We are totally dependent on God to provide, but we will work hard to be good stewards of that which he has provided. Even though we fail many times. Good thing we serve a God who loves us through all our imperfections. 

Any one else saving and working toward something big? I'd love to hear about it.

1 comment:

Stacia said...

Oh Abby, I love you and miss you and so often wish we could have raised our kids together. We'll hopefully be out if debt by May. Then we're saving for a used minivan. God totally provided for the time being, to give us more time to save, but we'll need something newer and with less miles. We'd like to save some money for adoption, but honestly I don't know what that will look like at this point. I'm also gearing up to homeschool, but I'll probably spread out buying things throughout the summer and year.