Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This past week one of our friends handed down her son's little bike to Asher. He was so excited. We have been going out the past few afternoons to let him ride. Levi has discovered a family favorite, the toy lawnmower, and Isaac usually plays soccer. Tonight while Dan and I went to Walmart to get the Toy Story Operation we also decided to peek at big boy bikes. We hadn't found any one getting rid of one and I hadn't seen any last year at garage sales. So we decided to peek. We found this beauty in our price range and decided to surprise our oldest with his own bike. 

So, when he got home from Awana the drive way was lined with a bike for everyone. Isaac went straight to his new bike, and asked "Dad, whose bike is this?" Dan and I got to tell him it was his and he was so excited. "I LOVE IT!!!" All the boys rode their bikes (or in Levi's case sat on a tricycle). It is always fun to see our kids enjoying a surprise.

1 comment:

The Rogersuz said...

HOW EXCITING!!!!! Isn't it fun to see their face light up? LOVE IT.